Saturday, November 10, 2012


Our old Eco-fan would no longer run. Dearest had over heated the cook stove last winter and the sring that propels the fan died. I wasn't going to get a new one, but I broke down after a few damp cool nights.

The cook stove is at the far end of the kitchen and it heats the house but without a fan, it only heats the kitchen to 'hot' and the rest of the house is still kind of cool. I can't believe the difference this little fan makes.

I can knit in comfort once again!


Buttons Thoughts said...

That darn fan quit on us too. It is to expensive to buy a new one every year. Glad you are warm. B

Gill - That British Woman said...

We to have a fan and I agree makes a world of a difference.


Jane and Chris said...

We don't have a fan, but now I'm thinking we should.
Jane x

KarenW said...

We ended up just using a floor fan that stands off to the side of the stove. Having a fan makes a B I G difference in heat distribution.

Janet said...

I've had my eye on one of these fans for a while. We've been using a small plug in fan. A fan does make a big difference.