Yesterday while the toddlers napped I got my kale put into the garden. I got the first row in no problem but by the time I had the fourth row in I had moquesto bites all over me and ran for the house.
I stayed in the rest of the afternoon and cleaned my black beauty, the cookstove. Cleaned inside and out. The blackness was just dripping off me. All the crome was scoured and polished and the cast iron was coated in vegetable shortning. there is a little rust under the "E" which will be painted when the air is more dry.
One big job done.
And Oh! It looks lovely!!
Oh, I love that stove. Looks fantastic.
Oh how I would love one of those. But my kitchen is barely big enough for my gas stove :(
It certainly does great job. B
It's BEAUTIFUL!! I do love your stove. Is it wood burning? I have had my eye on one for awhile that is wood burning, has a blower to blow the heat out into the house when you aren't cooking on it, and has a hot water tank on the back that can be hooked into your plumbing. It would be a dream stove, but that is exactly what I will be doing, dreaming about it for a good long while.
Oh, and I also love your new blog background. It is really pretty, and so fitting.
Black flies have now arrived here too. Got chased inside last evening while trying to weed the garden. Your cook stove is beautiful !
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